Evidence Review

As the number of COVID-19 cases continue to rise and new variants are emerging, new research is being released on a daily basis. Researchers around the world are studying all aspects of the virus from its molecular underpinnings to how it affects any and all aspects of people’s lives, including in the long term. The volume of publications is expected to increase even more as the research focus turns to Long COVID.

With all of this information being disseminated, it is extremely challenging and time-consuming for patients, clinicians, guideline developers, and decision makers to find available literature on a specific question. To this end, the Long COVID team is reviewing thousands of citations on an ongoing basis, identifying those that will best serve those interested in Long COVID. Using systematic reviews and meta-analysis searching tools, the team is identifying, cataloging, and disseminating studies in a systematic, unbiased, and comprehensive way.

Overall, our evidence review efforts will allow those interested in research on Long COVID to contextualize and act upon research findings when making data-driven decisions.


Stakeholder Roundtables

Developing consensus on
best practices and recommendations


Looking at patients
and employees for clues
to combatting Long COVID

Evidence Mapping Tool

You can use this tool to identify scientific articles related to Long COVID. Use the filter selection buttons to narrow down articles.

For inquiries related to the Long COVID Initiative, please contact [email protected]